
Christine Ambrosone, PhD
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA
Dr. Ambrosone is Senior Vice President for Population Sciences and Chair of the Department of Cancer Prevention and Control at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Dr. Ambrosone graduated from the University at Buffalo summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and earned her PhD degree at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in 1995. She was a member of the Division of Molecular Epidemiology at the National Center for Toxicological Research in Jefferson, AR until 2000, when she joined the faculty at Mt. Sinai as Director of Epidemiology in the Derald H. Ruttenberg Cancer Center, before moving to RPCI in 2002. She is a molecular epidemiologist with background and expertise in the role of gene-environment interactions in the etiology of cancer, as well as factors that affect toxicities experienced with cancer treatment, and predictors of cancer survival. Much of her current work focuses on breast cancer disparities.
Dr. Ambrosone was formerly a member of NCI’s EPIC Study Section and the ACS’s study section on Carcinogenesis, Nutrition and the Environment, and has served on several special emphasis panels and SPORE reviews. She is former Senior Editor for Cancer Research, was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board to the Director of the National Cancer Institute until 2012, and serves on Advisory Boards for a number of Cancer Center Programs. Dr. Ambrosone is co-founder and former chair of the Molecular Epidemiology Group of the American Association for Cancer Research, and was Co-Chair of the Southwest Oncology Group’s Committee on Molecular Epidemiology until 2012. Dr. Ambrosone has more than 320 peer-reviewed publications, most related to molecular epidemiology of cancer risk and prognosis.