Donations and Sponsorship Packages
We warmly invite you to support and be a part of the 2017 International Conference on Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Illuminating Actionable Biology, being hosted by Georgia State University from Sept. 18-20, 2017 in Atlanta, USA. There are plenty of sponsorship opportunities to suit all budgets, and to ensure maximum exposure for your organization and brand among world-renowned breast cancer researchers and clinicians. We also welcome philanthropic donations.
To discuss these opportunities further, please do not hesitate to contact an organizing committee member at sponsorship@tnbcconference.org.
$10,000 Maxima Cum Laude Sponsorship Package
This package entitles you to receive:
Up to 3 complimentary conference registrations with SPONSOR ribbon on name tag
Share in International Speakers Travel
Share in Speaker Welcome Dinner Sponsorship
Coffee Break Sponsorship
Student Travel Award
Poster Prize Sponsorship
$5,000 Egregia Cum Laude Sponsorship Package​​
This package entitles you to receive:
2 complimentary conference registrations with SPONSOR ribbon on name tag
Share in International Speakers Travel
Share in Keynote Speaker Travel
Share in Lunch/Dinner Sponsorship
$2,500 Summa Cum Laude Sponsorship Package
This package entitles you to receive:
1 complimentary conference registration with SPONSOR ribbon on name tag
Share in Keynote Speaker Travel
Share in Coffee Break Sponsorship
Sponsorship of any of the above-listed packages includes display of your organization's name and logo (a) on the conference website, and (b) in the part of the program booklet wherein all sponsors will be acknowledged.
Sponsorship of keynote speaker travel includes display of your organization’s name and logo* at the beginning/end of the keynote lecture.
Sponsorship of any event/session includes display of your organization's name and logo* on appropriate session/event signage
Sponsorship of travel award/poster prize includes organization acknowledgment during the award/prize presentation.
We appreciate any and all support for our conference. So, in addition to the sponsorship packages above, we offer a variety of standalone sponsorship opportunities to suit all budgets.
All of the options provided below are subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.
$2,000 Share in Keynote Speaker Travel
The keynote lectures are the ones that everyone wants to hear. By sponsoring the travel costs for a keynote speaker, you will not only be granting delegates the opportunity to learn from one of the brightest minds in the field, but we will also display your organization’s name and logo* at the keynote lecture and in the program booklet.
$1,500 Student Travel Award
At 2017 International Conference on Triple Negative Breast Cancer, we hope to be able to offer two Student Travel Awards to give the brightest students the opportunity to attend the conference and present their work. By sponsoring a Student Travel Award, you will not only help to inspire the next generation of breast cancer researchers, but we will also ensure that your company name and logo* is acknowledged during the award winner’s presentation.
$1,000 Share in International Speaker Travel
The 2017 International Conference on Triple Negative Breast Cancer program will feature world-class breast cancer researchers from around the world. By sharing the travel costs for one international speaker, you will not only be facilitating the sharing of knowledge, data, and expertise that will help to advance research into Triple Negative Breast Cancer, but we will also display your organization’s name and logo* in the program booklet.
$750 Share in Dinner Sponsorship
As a dinner sponsor, you will have your organization’s name and logo* displayed during one conference dinner session.
$750 Share in Lunch Sponsorship
As a lunch sponsor, you will have your organization’s name and logo* prominently displayed during one lunch session.
$500 Poster Prizes Sponsor
At the 2017 International Conference on Triple Negative Breast Cancer, we hope to reward students or early career researchers with prizes for the best research posters (1st , 2nd and 3rd places available). As a sponsor of these Poster Prizes your organization will be associated with the prize, and your organization’s name and logo* will be displayed in the poster section of the program booklet and acknowledged during the winners’ presentation.
$500 Share in Poster Session Sponsorship
The poster session at the 2017 International Conference on Triple Negative Breast Cancer is the primary opportunity for delegates to discuss their research. As a sponsor of the poster session, you will have your organization’s name and logo* displayed at the poster session and in the poster section of the program booklet.
$500 Booklet for Delegate Bags
We will include one booklet that you supply (design, printing, and shipping not included) in the delegate meeting bags provided at registration. This is an inexpensive way to bring information about your organization, product, journal, event (etc.) into the hands of each conference attendee.
$250 Full-page Advertisement for Delegate Bags
We will include one single page insert that you supply (design, printing, and shipping not included) in the delegate meeting bags provided at registration. This is an inexpensive way to bring information about your organization, product, journal, event (etc.) into the hands of each conference attendee.
* Please provide your own logo/artwork (as a vector EPS file) to avail of this opportunity.